Since summer 2012 I use my 5” f/5 Newtonian by Skywatcher.I bought it second hand and improved some detail:- lined the tube with velour;- mounted a fan;- painted all srews inside the tubue with black color;- improved some detail at the focuser;Since summer 2013 I use my 10” f/4 Newtonian by Teleskop Austria (Newtonian without name).Since fall 2013 I use both telescopes simultaneously, for shooting Luminance and RGB at the same time.There was no need to work over the 10” Newtonian. The teslescope is equipped with an “OCTO”-focuser, which is also fromTeleskp Austria. The telescope is based on a Skywatcher-Newtonian /main- and secondary mirrors, spider), but the tube is from the german manufacturer Klaus Helmerichs, made from carbon, and the focuser is a very good one.I use a motor focuser by “USB-Focus” on both telescopes.Both telescopes are equipped with a coma-corrector by Pal Gyulai.Images with 5” NewtonianImages with 10” NewtonianImages with the GeMini West setup